
teacher makes a difference

Second grade started off bumpy.  I will spare the details because I vowed to let go of the anger.

A friend of mine and I often discuss how the difference between a good and bad year is determined by the teacher. 

It is about relationships and trust.  If you do not trust that the teacher is going to support you or believe in you, you're defeated.  If you trust the teacher, you will take risks with confidence in your abilities.

As a mom, you want your child's day to be full of discovery and interesting topics.  You want your child to want to be in school.  You don't want to have a pit in your stomach when you see a beat down child come pick up. 

Chipping away at a child's self-esteem isn't okay.  Ever.  But...everyone knows that, right?  I mean...you're a teacher because you want to be a teacher.  Not because it pays big bucks.  I tried it.  It wasn't for me, so I spared future generations from my lack of enthusiasm and left the profession.  There is a better person for the job.

My son trusts his current teacher.  He is thriving. 

It is as it should be.

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