

Does the word "resume" make you shudder?

Well, I applied for a job.  Two jobs actually.  One is similar to what I do from home now, and the other is definitely on the fun spectrum.  When a friend recently emailed and said, "I think you should go for this", referring to a job at a local magazine, I was flattered.  Scared and befuddled, but flattered.  It took me two weeks to update my resume.  Well, more accurately it took me forty-five minutes to actually do the resume, but two weeks worth of mulling.  You see, I have been working from home for seven years.  (I call it my work work.)  I am in the legal field.  Documents, research, what have you.  It's interesting and challenging at times, but it doesn't scream creative outlet.  For as grateful as I am, I often think how great it would be to write just for me for me!  For you!  We get each other is all I'm saying.  I write it and you smile and think...yeah, I know...I feel ya.  (That is what you do, isn't it?)

If you have not written a resume recently or ever, I recommend you to try it out.  For fun. ?  My work work is easy to put into words.  It's the other 75% of my life that's tough to verbalize for a stranger. At one point I was staring at the computer laughing at all the things I can't put on my resume.  Things like this: 

manage household of five as the only estrogen bearing participant
fold clothes and paper airplanes simultaneously while keeping an eye on the pasta water
keep the kids shots up to date, hair trimmed, socks white, bedtime met, while adoring husband, etc...
pay the bills and manage fulfilling social life
bring non-healthy snacks to the soccer game so I can be the cool mom
add culture and meaning to the lives of three young humans plus me
member of a dynamic duo

The list goes on... 

Well, friends, wish me luck.  I believe it's sparked a little fire in this girl.  I'm on the hunt to carve out a little bit of this great big world just for me.

1 comment:

  1. I find your Curriculum Vitae awesome. Do you find it strange that resume can also be resume?
